Test Prep


With more than two million students taking the SAT and ACT tests each year, competition to get into the best colleges and universities gets tighter.

The SAT, a test administered by the CollegeBoard company, consists of multiple Critical Reading, Writing with essay, and Mathematics sections that must be completed within 3 hours and 45 minutes. It tests your child’s ability to reason, develop ideas, and find shortcuts in a short amount of time.

The ACT, a test administered by the ACT company, consists of English, Math, Reading, Science, and optional Writing sections that must completed within 4 or 4 and a half hours. It tests your child’s ability to answer questions in a straightforward fashion and academic retention.

The ACT and SAT are very different tests that measure your child’s academic ability.

The SAT is designed to be more intuitive and require more thinking while the ACT is more straightforward and requires less shortcuts. While colleges accept both tests, your child may perform better on one than the other. At Genius Prep, our college prep teachers will create a personalized plan that builds the skills, habits and attitudes your child needs to score higher on test day, apply to colleges with confidence and have higher possibilities of acceptance.

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$100.00 Per Session

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